Sunday, October 29, 2023

October slipped on by...


Hello, Lovelies.

It is quite gloomy in the cottage today.  Rainy and chilly outside.  I think it is the perfect day for lighting a candle to chase away the gray.  I have my hot cup of tea and fuzzy slippers on.  It has been this way for many days, now, and I have to say, I am ready for the sun to shine.  

I was just thinking how wonderful a warm scone with plenty of butter would be, but I have been very lazy about cooking and baking, lately.  So funny, just when I want something, I don't have it.  Other times, I would have something to nibble on but wouldn't really want it.  Silly. 

It is just cuckoo how fast October has passed.  Barely even noticed, really, except for changing the calendar at the beginning.  The trees have only begun to show their beautiful colors and it has still been very warm, until today.  Nothing to indicate Autumn had even arrived besides the calendar.  Oh, my favorite month has simply slipped away with barely a nod.  Do you find that to be true where you are?  Nothing to be done about it, though, is there?  No sense being melancholy over it, I suppose.

Wherever you are, I hope you will light a candle, have a cup of tea and enjoy the last days of October.

Until next time...


  1. Oh, my dear Pam!! Sherry's parents live in Hamilton!
    Yes, October has gone by in a flash - even faster than September! November will be much the same - is it my age or does EVERY month seem to fly by??
    So how is it that you and I have 'met' via our blogs? Do you ever visit the DFW area? Louis Dean went to college in Edmond and I have a dear friend in Oklahoma City. Perhaps our paths will cross someday! In the meantime - I shall, indeed, blow a kiss for you across Central Texas!

  2. PS.... I am now your newest follower!

  3. My friend, we share the same sentiment. You wrote it beautifully. I begin to get excited for October back in July. The anticipation is exciting, and suddenly it is here! And then, in a blink, it is over. This year it seemed extra quick, perhaps because it was so warm. It was hot and sunny. I love a day like you describe, and think I will have a cozy, rainy day tomorrow!
