Tuesday, October 3, 2023

October is...

 Hello, Lovelies!

October is the time for harvesting and putting by the herbs I managed to grow this year.  It is really simple to dry and put up herbs.  I use a lot of herbs and spices.  To know that they come from my own meager garden pots makes using them all the sweeter.  It is quite satisfying to grow, dry and put them up, actually.  It is probably one of my most favorite things to do with what I am able to grow.

This year, the Basil went crazy!  Basil tends to be a diva in the herb world.  He wants the perfect combination of sun and shade.  Doesn't like to be hot but will throw a fit if he is cold.  Will deal with tap water but prefers distilled or "swamp water"(river water).  He will pout and refuse to grow if his demands are not met!  At least around here, that's how it is.  But this year, I suppose all the stars and planets aligned just right and I got a lot of Basil off of just two plants.

This is the last of the Basil.  He is all washed and is draining good before being placed on the drying rack. 

Now, Rosemary tends to grow without much effort.  She isn't temperamental at all.  She doesn't mind if she gets a little warm and seems to be ok with cooler temperatures, although, I am sure she would get a bit ruffled if it was too cold.  If I forget to water her, for a couple of days, she is ok with it but only for a minute.  She, too, likes "swamp water" but does great with distilled as well.  She tolerates tap water but I don't test her for long.  She really is a lovely lady to have in the garden and is wonderful in cornbread.   I have only one Rosemary plant but she has produced a lot.  I love running my hands through her leaves and then smelling my hands.  Such a wonderful scent.  

Oh I wish I had remembered to get a picture of the drying racks!  That is also really a simple thing.  I use the tension curtain rods and hang them in the windows.  Wrap a little twine around the stems, making a loop in the end, and your home will smell wonderful.


1 comment:

  1. Great idea with the tension rod. I grew thyme,oregano,basil, garlic, and rosemary. I will bring the rosemary plant in to try and keep it going this winter
