Friday, September 27, 2024

Autumn Love

Hello Lovelies,

It's going on a full year since I posted.  Of course, we are coming up on my favorite time of year, so it seems only fitting that I write now.  Oh, how I love Autumn.  All the beautiful colors, oh my!  Our furry friends gathering and storing food for the winter.  I sit on the porch and watch them frolick in the trees and grasses.

Oh, they have plenty of time.  We still have very warm temperatures, and everything is still green but the animals, as well as myself, knows that could change in a hurry around here.

They know, too, that I will provide additional food throughout the winter.  The rabbits will enjoy carrots, lettuce, and fruits while the birds and squirrels will feast on seeds, nuts and fruits.

The deer might find a bit of corn scattered around.  They seem to get plenty to eat during the winter, as do all of the animals, but I love watching them come out of the woods to look around and enjoy the sun.

I am blessed to have a little piece of land to enjoy nature and all God has placed in it.

Grace & Peace,
Cottage Granny

PS.  If you have followed me over from Osage Rose Cottage, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

 *all photos were acquired from public domain on the world wide web.  Thank you if they belong to you.